The Zs of Hebrew, Ladino, Yiddish, and other Judaic names

Male names:

Zalema is a Judeo–Catalan and Ladino form of the Arabic name Salama, which means “peaceful, safety.”

Zalman is a Yiddish form of Solomon (original Hebrew name Shlomo), which means “peace.”

Zamir means “nightingale” in Hebrew.

Zarc is Judeo–Catalan.

Zelig means “blessed, holy” in Yiddish.

Zev means “wolf” in Hebrew.

Zindel is a Yiddish form of Alexander.

Zusia, Zusya means “sweet” in Yiddish.

Zusman means “sweet man” in Yiddish. This is a rare name.

Female names:

Zafira (Judeo–Arabic) means “sapphire.”

Zaha means “pure, clean” in Hebrew.

Zahava, Zahavit means “gold” in Hebrew.

Zehara means “brightness” in Hebrew.

Zelda (Yiddish) may be a feminine form of Zelig.

Zerlinda means “beautiful dawn,” a combination of the Hebrew name Zerach (shining, dawning) and the Spanish and Portuguese name Linda (beautiful).

Zeuna is Judeo–Anglo–Norman.

Zimbula, Zumbula, Zinbula (Ladino) derives from the Turkish word sümbül (hyacinth).

Zipura is a Judeo–French form of the Hebrew name Tziporah, which means “bird.”

Zisel, Zissel means “sweet” in Yiddish.

Zlate, Zlata (Yiddish) means “gold” in the Slavic languages.

Zubayda (Judeo–Arabic) means “prime, élite, cream” in Arabic.

Unisex names:

Ziv means “radiant, bright” in Hebrew.

Zohar means “brilliance, light” in Hebrew. This is also the name of a mystical work of Kabbalah.

3 thoughts on “The Zs of Hebrew, Ladino, Yiddish, and other Judaic names

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